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6 Productive Things You Can Do During a Job Search Slump

Are you feeling stuck in your job search journey? Perhaps you've sent out countless CVs and attended numerous interviews, yet still find yourself facing rejection or a lack of responses. A job search slump is not the end of the road. It could be the perfect opportunity to refocus, re-energise, and emerge even stronger in the pursuit of your dream…

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Job Hunting Tips For Neurodivergent Job Seekers

Neurodiverse candidates bring a wealth of unique skills and perspectives to the workplace. However, navigating the job-hunting process can pose unique challenges. From disclosing neurodiversity during interviews to finding employers who value diversity, there are various factors to consider. Below are some practical tips to help you navigate your job-hunting journey. Understanding your strengths Before diving into the job search…

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Crafting Your Job Search: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you're considering a career change or re-entering the job market, having a well-thought-out plan is the key to success. In this blog post, we'll walk you through a step-by-step guide to getting job search ready and boosting your chances of landing that dream job. Step 1: Self-reflection and goal setting Begin your job search journey by reflecting on your…

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The Evolution of Work: Remote Work and Gig Economy

The nature of work is undergoing a transformative shift. It's essential to explore the changing landscape of work with a particular focus on the rising prominence of remote work and the gig economy. The Rise of Remote Work The conventional 9-to-5 office routine is not the only model for a satisfying career anymore. Remote work, which was once considered a…

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Navigating Your Tech Career: Startups vs Big Tech

The tech industry is ever-evolving. And if you are a tech professional, you may find yourself at a crossroads when choosing between two distinct paths: joining a dynamic tech startup or aligning with a big tech organisation. Each option comes with its own advantages and disadvantages that can significantly impact your career trajectory. To help you to make an informed…

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Staying Productive When Working From Home

Working from home can be a great opportunity to have a more flexible schedule, but it requires discipline and focus to stay productive. The following are some tips to help you stay productive when working from home. Create an effective workspace  Setting up a dedicated workspace is the first and most important step to staying productive while working from home.…

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