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4 things you can do today to attract recruiters to your LinkedIn profile

Social media especially LinkedIn has revolutionised the recruiting world. There are so many recruiters on LinkedIn now so if you’re looking for a new job you should be making the most of this platform. We have put together a list of things that you can do today to help you attract recruiters and increase your chances of getting hired!

Let them know you’re looking

First and foremost you should flick the switch on LinkedIn that lets recruiters know that you’re looking for a job. You can now privately let recruiters know that you’re open to new opportunities without worrying about your current employees finding out. Find out more about this function and how to do it here.

Strategically placed keywords

Why use LinkedIn when you can’t be found? One of the best ways to show up in LinkedIn searches is to make the most of LinkedIn SEO. Your profile should include keywords that recruiters will be searching for. Just like optimising a website make sure not to overdo it. Your profile needs to be engaging and interesting, it will be so obvious if you have a bunch of keywords crammed into one paragraph. Use some of the keywords in the summary section as that will be the first thing that someone will see when they visit your profile.

If you’re looking for ideas and inspiration, find the profile of someone who has the job that you want and check out what kind of style and content they have in their summary.

Tip: Put yourself in the recruiter’s shoes and run a few test searches of your own to see what types of words and phrases come up most frequently related to your industry.

Add recruiters to your network

Having a big network can only work to your advantage when making connections who are relevant to your career. Lots of recruiters are open networkers and open to meeting new contacts. They are looking for candidates and you can make it easier for them to find you by adding them to your network. Avoid connecting with just any recruiter on LinkedIn. Identify which niche you fit into and add recruiters that are recruiting for the job you’re looking for. Join groups that recruiters who are recruiting in your industry have created and interact with them.

Before you start adding recruiters make sure that you have filled in all the sections on your LinkedIn profile. Upload a recent and professional photo of yourself. Recruiters are looking for details so add as much as you can. They want to know what you do, where you have worked and more. And by having a complete profile will do this.

Be Active

Post relevant industry articles to your homepage. Share, “like” comment on articles and posts that other people have posted. You could also start posting your own articles on LinkedIn. Being active regularly will reassure the recruiters who find your profile that you will be responsive if they reach out to you.

If you are looking for jobs in the technology industry, we have plenty of opportunities here. Connect with us on LinkedIn as well here.

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