
How to nail your job search when you’re busy/ have a full time job

Job-hunting is challenging enough when you have a typical full-time career. It is essential to make time for job hunting when you’re looking for a new role. But the last thing you want to add to your 9-5 is a 5-9. So why don’t you try out some of these tips to help you make the most of your busy…

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The Ultimate Guide For a Newbie Recruiter

So you’ve decided to join the wonderful world of recruitment. That’s great! The recruitment industry is one of fastest growing industries in the 21st century and it offers individuals the opportunity to enjoy a promising and exciting career that other sectors don’t offer. Here are some tips on how to navigate and excel in your new job as a recruitment…

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Cadence Gets Active!

Recently the Cadence team entered into a workplace challenge - the Wesport Workplace Softball Tournament 2017! It was a 2 part event, an initiative by West of England Sports Trust (Westport) to encourage workplaces to get active. In typical British style, the weather was stunning the first day and…not so stunning the next, but we powered on despite the sheet rain! None…

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4 Tech Skills That Every Office Worker Should Have

Technology is constantly changing and employers are looking for employers that are tech savvy, even for non-tech jobs. We have compiled a list of 4 basic tech skills that every employee should have. Social Media In today’s climate, social media savviness is vital, no matter what role you are in. The most important platforms to be familiar with are the…

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Working lunch: Best places to eat in Bristol

Bored of the same old lunch every week? Whether its payday or you just can’t decide what to have for lunch, we have a list of 3 incredible places to eat Bristol that you should definitely check out. Wahaca A Mexican Diner restaurant placed in the heart of trendy Clifton Triangle. Award-winning tacos, freshly made guacamole- if you have never…

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Happy 10th Birthday Cadence!

On Friday the Cadence Resourcing team celebrated the 10th anniversary of the company by heading to London to enjoy some of the best food, drink and views our capital has to offer. We travelled to the big smoke in style, starting the day with champagne on the train. The main event of the day was lunch at the prestigious Coq…

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